Portly pets

Portly pets

Podgy pooches and portly puss-cats are in plague proportions! Our pets are not only living in the lap of luxury, they are lapping up the living luxury and getting fatter in the process. The result is that 25-30% of dogs and cats are now overweight. The causes are...

Spring Care of Pets 

Spring Care of Pets  Spring into action now that spring has sprung to ensure your pet is prepared for the warmer weather Now that Spring is closing and Summer is a just a yawn away, let’s make sure your pet’s care is up to scratch. Now is when you need to...
Pill Ills

Pill Ills

Pill Ills The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is warning cat and dog owners that human painkillers are dangerous when given to pets. Common pain killers such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen are toxic to pets and can be lethal. Referring to recent...

Starting from Scratch

Starting from Scratch What Makes Pets Itch? Excessive scratching is a common condition with dogs and a frustrating problem for their owners. Many dogs scratch, chew and rub themselves so much there skin becomes bald, red, inflamed and painful. If this is the problem...

Get some fish and tips

Get some fish and tips Do your fish have trouble deciding whether to sink or swim? If so, the advice below will help to keep your fish in fine fettle. Poor aquarium management is the cause of most problems with aquarium fish. Fish in tanks have a small volume of water...

Shampoo therapy for dogs

Shampoo therapy for dogs Saturday morning and it’s time to bathe the pooch! What are you going to bathe it in? While that sounds like a simple question, it can be quite complex. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you just want to clean the...

The scoop on coops

The Scoop on Coops Let me give you the ‘scoop on coops’ – how to make a chicken friendly chook house. You can buy chicken coops from produce agencies around town. Some are wooden cages and others are metal, A-framed coops. If you are making your own,...
What causes a dog to limp?

What causes a dog to limp?

What Causes a Dog to Limp? It shouldn’t happen to a dog – but it does. Hind limb lameness is a real pain and not something that should be ignored. For convenience, let’s divide the causes of lameness into two categories: the first where lameness...
Preventing heartworm disease

Preventing heartworm disease

Preventing Heartworm Disease Heartworm disease is a silent killer of dogs and cats. It’s a slow, insidious disease that gradually incapacitates pets. By the time you notice the telltale signs of the disease, the damage that has been caused is serious. This is...

Ten tooth truths!

Ten Tooth Truths! How much do you know about your pet’s teeth?  Sadly, many pet owners don’t think about their pet’s teeth often enough with the result that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats suffer from dental disease by the age of three. To help you keep...
On deaf ears

On deaf ears

On Deaf Ears Science is coming to the aid of deaf dogs and cats with better diagnostic protocols and even the installation of pet hearing aids being possible. Deaf pets can be difficult to manage. With the inability to hear their owners or to detect dangers such as...
Worms and Pups

Worms and Pups

Worms are little wrigglers that are more than just a nuisance. They can kill pups and make adult dogs really unwell. Dog owners need to be particularly aware of the danger of worms and how to prevent them. Dogs can become infected with four different types of worms,...
Needling Worries

Needling Worries

New vaccines for dogs give better and longer disease protection Are your dog’s vaccinations up to date? If beads of guilty sweat are appearing on your furrowed brow, then worry not. Your vet will be happy to solve this needling worry. What you may not know is...
The Ten Tenets of Pet Care

The Ten Tenets of Pet Care

Select Your Pet with Care Your pet will be with you for many years, so select a pet that suits your tastes, lifestyle and budget. While dogs are exceptionally faithful and social and suit an active lifestyle, cats may be better if you are at work during the week. Cats...

Check Up Time!

Check Up Time! Are you a forgetful pet owner? Many of us neglect our once-a-year pet-care jobs because we forget when those duties are due.  Nevertheless, it becomes easier to remember such things when we link them to a particular annual event such as the group of...
It’s in the Bag!

It’s in the Bag!

The Brisbane City Council has now bagged a common dog problem. The council has been delving into dog’s business and introduced a new law on 1st September to require dog owners to carry a bag when walking their dogs. Through this law, the council are hoping to...

Ears a Problem?

Solving ear diseases in pets Dogs’ ears come in a variety of styles. Some stick up, some flop down, some are hairy and some are not.  Nevertheless, they are all prone to ear infections. How do you know if your dog has an ear infection? What can you do at home to...
The Family Cat

The Family Cat

The Family Cat Many of us share our lives with teeth-endowed, flesh-eating, nocturnal, carnivorous predators and think nothing of it. These lethal killing machines prowl through our suburbs, steal through our houses after dark and, aghast, all too regularly launch...

Toxic Toads

Toxic Toads (continued) How to prevent your dog from attacking toads Toads are a nocturnal menace. They regularly poison dogs, such as Terriers and working dogs such as Cattle Dogs, Border Collies and Kelpies due to the strong predatory drive such dogs have. However,...