Dr Cam Day
BVSc BSc. MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour)
Dr Cam Day is a Veterinarian consulting full-time in pet behaviour in South-East Queensland, Australia. He gained membership with the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1995.
He is also a media presenter.
On a daily basis, Dr Cam consults with dog and cat owners about the mood aberrations of their pets.
He helps to solve problems such as anxiety and panic disorders, compulsive behaviours and many other pet behavioural aberrations which create worrisome moods such as aggression, excessive vocalising, separation anxiety, noise panic disorders, house-soiling behaviours and self-harming behaviours.
Dr Cam is committed to animal welfare. He was the inaugural Chair of the Queensland State Government Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, a role he maintained from 2004 until October 2013.
He is a past Adjunct Associate Profession with the University of Queensland Veterinary School.
He conducted veterinary talk-back radio on ABC Radio and Radio 4BC continuously from 1984 to 2015 and has presented on television many times.
Dr Cam maintains an online pet behaviour advice service via the Pethealth Project which provides DIY information on pet behavioural issues.
If you are not close to South East Queensland or need the help of a Behaviour Veterinarian or a Veterinary Behaviour Specialist please review this page for a list of behaviour veterinarians in Australia.
Academic Record
December 1977- BSc. University of Queensland
December 1981- BVSc University of Queensland
February 1995- MACVS – Animal Behaviour
July 2003- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Queensland
July 1993- Train the Trainer – Australian Institute of Management
July 1984-December 1996- ABC 4QR Radio Talk Back Veterinarian
July 1984 – November 1986- Pet Care Columnist Daily Sun and The Sun Newspapers
Jan 1991 – Feb 1993- ABC TV “Landline” Pet Vet
December 1993- June 1995- Radio 4BC Radio Talk Back ‘Pet Vet’
Aug 1995 – Dec 1996- ABC Regional Radio Talk Back Veterinarian
April 1984-current- Numerous television, radio, newspaper and magazine appearances and articles
Jan 1997 – April 2015- Radio 4BC’s talk back “Pet Vet”
Jan 2004 – December 2004- ABC Radio Talk Back Veterinarian
Jan 1997 – 2004- Pet Care columnist for Brisbane News
February 1995- Meritorious Service Award by Australian Veterinary Association
December 2002- Nominated for Australian of the Year by persons unknown
December 2003- Medal of Merit. Royal Children’s Hospital and Health Service District
July 2003- Appointed Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Queensland
10th June 2005- Awarded the Vitae Lampada Gold Medal for Excellence in Medical and Health Education by retiring Professor John Pearn, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital and Health Service District for contributions to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.
1st July 2009- Re-appointed Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland
Day, CT (1983)- Urban Pet Neuroses. The Proceedings of the Urban Animal
Integration Symposium. Aust Vet Assn pp 37-49
Day, CT (1985)- The Viewpoint of the Queensland Animal Welfare. Grazing Animal Welfare. Aust Vet Assn pp174-181
Day CT (1989)- The Human Companion Animal Bond-Education for Better Welfare. Proceedings of the Recreational Animal Welfare Symposium. Aust Vet Assn. pp115-122
Blackshaw JK, Day CT (et al) (1990)- Aversive Responses of Dogs to Sonic, Ultrasonic and Flashing Lights Units. Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science 25 (1990) pp1-8
Blackshaw JK, Day CT (1994)- Attitudes of Dog Owners to Neutering of Pets : Demographic Data and Effects of Owner Attitudes Aust Vet J 71, 4 pp113-116
Day CT (1994- RSPCA’s Preferred Cat Management Options. Proceedings of Cat Management Workshop. Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage pp69-72
Day, CT, (1997)- Shelter Sadness- The “Life and Death” Statistics of an Animal Shelter and Local Authority Serving an Australian Capital City ASAVA Conference Proceeding 1997.
Employment Record
December 1980 – April 1984 Associate Veterinarian, Albert Animal Hospital Springwood, Queensland
April 1984 – February 1989- Veterinary Education Officer, Fund-raising Coordinator, Public Relations Officer, Operations Manager, RSPCA (Queensland)
February 1989 – September 1990- Veterinary Advisor, Animal Control, Brisbane City Council, 69 Ann St, Brisbane.
September 1990 – March 1993- Animal Welfare Policy Officer RSPCA (Queensland)
March 1993 -November 1995- Operations Manager RSPCA (Queensland)
Nov 1995-29 Nov 1996- Community Liaison Manager RSPCA (Queensland)
Nov 1996 – current- Self Employed -Cam Day Consulting – Consulting in Animal Behaviour and Animal Management
July 2004- June 2008- Appointed as inaugural Chairperson of the Queensland Government Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.
June 2008 – October 2013- Re-appointed as Chairperson of the Queensland Government Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.
Member- Australian College of Veterinary Scientists (Animal Behaviour)
Chair- Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (QLD) July 2004 – October 2013
Member- Royal Children’s Hospital Experimentation Ethics Committee
Member- Brisbane Veterinary Practitioners Branch
Member- University of Sydney Post-Graduate Committee of Veterinary Science
Member- Australian Veterinary Association Sub-committee on Animal Welfare
Member- State Health Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee
Member- DPI Animal Research Institute Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee
Member- Griffith University Animal Research Institute Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee